Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea:

Exploring the Enigmatic: Top 5 Must-Visit Places in North Korea

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: wn

Welcome to North Korea, a land of mystery and intrigue that beckons the curious traveler. While much of the country remains hidden from the world, there are remarkable destinations that offer a glimpse into its unique culture and history. Let’s uncover the 5 best places to visit in North Korea, each offering a distinctive facet of this enigmatic nation.

North Korea

Map of North Korea:

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: wa

Map Showing North Korea Location in Asia:

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: om

Countries Bordering North Korea:

North Korea is bordered by China and Russia to the north and by the Republic of Korea (South Korea) to the south. To the east is the Sea of Japan and to the west is the Yellow Sea. The national capital, P’yŏngyang, is a major industrial and transport centre near the west coast: 

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Republic of Korea (South Korea)
  4. Sea of Japan
  5. Yellow Sea
What it’s really like to travel to NORTH KOREA (SHOCKING!) – 2023
Traveling through North Korea | DW Documentary – 2020
Dictatorship, Paranoia, Famine: Welcome to North Korea! – 2022
The Truth About North Korea 🇰🇵 (after 4 years) – 2021

Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea:

1. Pyongyang: The Capital’s Grandeur

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: fg

Pyongyang, the capital city, is a mix of grand architecture, impressive monuments, and glimpses of daily life. Marvel at the Juche Tower, an iconic symbol of self-reliance, and explore Kim Il-sung Square, a sprawling plaza where parades and gatherings take place. The Mansu Hill Grand Monument, featuring enormous bronze statues of the country’s leaders, provides a striking visual spectacle.

NORTH KOREA as a Tourist – Pyongyang Day One – 2019
DPRK03:In Pyongyang, we didn’t expect was that the streets of this city were so clean – 2019

2. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ): A Glimpse of Divided Realities

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: cnn

The DMZ, bordering North and South Korea, offers a surreal experience. Visit the Joint Security Area, where negotiations between the two countries take place. You’ll stand within meters of South Korean soldiers, a stark reminder of the region’s complex history and ongoing tensions.

4 MINUTES IN NORTH KOREA | DMZ Full Experience – 2018
What is the Korean Demilitarized Zone? | History – 2019
Demilitarized zone between North and South Korea – 2023
What it’s REALLY like to visit the DMZ (visiting North Korea) 한국어 자막 – 2022
Inside North Korean Side of DMZ (world’s most dangerous border) – 2018

3. Mount Kumgang: Nature’s Oasis

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: kk

Escape to the serene beauty of Mount Kumgang, a picturesque mountain range with lush forests, tranquil lakes, and cascading waterfalls. The journey here takes you through scenic landscapes and provides a glimpse of North Korea’s natural charm.

Visiting Kumgangsan | Travel to North Korea – 2023
[Video] Explore North Korea’s beautiful Mount Kumgang – 2022
Mount Kumgang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – 2018
Beautiful waterfalls at Mount Kumgang in North Korea – 2022 – (in Korean)

4. Kaesong: Echoes of Tradition

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: ktg

Kaesong, a city steeped in history, offers a glimpse of traditional Korean culture. Explore the historic old town with its well-preserved architecture, visit the Koryo Museum to learn about the region’s heritage, and savor a traditional meal at a Korean restaurant. The city’s timeless charm offers a respite from the modern world.

Visiting Kaesong | Travel to North Korea – 2022
Pyongyang Kaesong Highway | North Korea Travel – 2023

5. Myohyangsan: Spiritual Retreat in Nature

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: jts

Discover the spiritual side of North Korea amidst the Myohyangsan Mountains. The International Friendship Exhibition showcases an astonishing collection of gifts given to the country’s leaders. Delve into the serene surroundings of Pohyon Temple, surrounded by natural beauty and a sense of tranquility.

North Korean Guide Explains Myohyangsan Mountain – 2014
Superbly Scenic Mt Myohyang – 2023
Myohyangsan, North Pyongan, North Korea – DPRK – MAY 2016, UltraHD, 4K

Did we mention the food? EAT!

Places To Visit In North Korea Food
Courtesy: ut

Culinary Exploration in North Korea: A Taste of Unique Flavors

Embarking on a culinary journey through North Korea offers a chance to savor flavors that reflect the nation’s cultural identity.

North Korean cuisine is characterized by its simple yet distinctive dishes. You’ll find staples like rice, vegetables, and meats complemented by fermented flavors, creating a harmonious balance of taste.

Don’t miss out on “Kimchi,” a spicy and fermented cabbage dish that accompanies almost every meal. Indulge in “Naengmyeon,” cold buckwheat noodles often enjoyed during hot summer months. “Bibimbap,” a colorful rice bowl adorned with an array of vegetables and often a fried egg, showcases the art of presentation.

While dining in North Korea comes with its own set of cultural considerations, exploring its unique flavors offers a deeper understanding of the nation’s identity and traditions.

Pyongyang Street Food – North Korea – 2016
Eating In North Korea 2015
North Korean Food in Seoul – RAINBOW NOODLES + Big Beef Hot Pot in South Korea! (ft. Miss Mina) – 2019

Places To Visit In North Korea Food
Courtesy: ypt

Essential Things to Know Before Traveling to North Korea:

Traveling to North Korea requires thorough preparation due to its unique political and cultural context. Here are essential things to know before embarking on a journey to this enigmatic nation:

1. Tour Operators and Guided Tours:
Travel to North Korea is only possible through approved tour operators. These tours are typically organized with a set itinerary and strict guidelines. You will be accompanied by guides throughout your trip.

2. Restricted Travel:
Tourists are usually limited to specific areas and sites approved by the government. Independent travel is not allowed, and movement is closely monitored.

3. Respect for Local Customs and Laws:
North Korea has strict rules and customs that must be adhered to. It’s important to respect local regulations, guidelines from guides, and avoid any behavior that could be deemed disrespectful or offensive.

4. Photography Restrictions:
Photography is heavily restricted in North Korea, and you should always ask for permission before taking photos, especially of military or sensitive areas. Your guides will inform you about places where photography is not allowed.

5. Political Sensitivity:
Avoid discussing politics, sensitive topics, or making any negative comments about the government or leaders. Conversations with locals might be limited and monitored.

6. Cultural Sensitivity:
Show respect for the government and leaders, as well as cultural symbols and monuments. Never show disrespect towards statues or images of leaders.

7. Limited Contact with Locals:
Interactions with locals are often regulated and controlled. Engaging in conversation beyond approved topics might not be possible.

8. Communication:
Internet access and communication with the outside world are usually restricted. International mobile networks might not work, and your communication might be monitored.

9. Currency and Cash:
The local currency is the North Korean Won (KPW), and it’s advisable to bring cash in foreign currencies for personal expenses. Limited exchange opportunities might be available.

10. Health and Safety:
Check the health advisories and vaccination requirements before your trip. North Korea has strict health regulations and quarantine procedures.

11. Itinerary and Sites:
Your itinerary will be pre-arranged by the tour operator. You’ll likely visit government-approved sites, monuments, and attractions.

12. Independent Exploration:
Independent exploration outside of the designated tour activities is generally not allowed. Staying with your group and following the tour’s schedule is important.

13. Travel Bans:
Citizens of certain countries might face travel bans or restrictions to enter North Korea. Check the latest travel advisories from your government before planning your trip.

14. Responsible Travel:
While in North Korea, be mindful of your impact on the environment and the local community. Follow local customs and guidelines to ensure a respectful visit.

15. Be Open-Minded:
Traveling to North Korea is a unique and potentially challenging experience. Approach the journey with an open mind, curiosity, and an understanding of the complexities of the destination.

By thoroughly researching and understanding the rules and expectations, you can navigate your trip to North Korea in a respectful and responsible manner, embracing the opportunity to explore a country rarely visited by outsiders.


How to Get to North Korea:

Traveling to North Korea is unique and can only be done through approved tour operators. Here’s how the process generally works:

1. Choose a Tour Operator:
Research and choose a reputable tour operator that offers guided tours to North Korea. These operators arrange all aspects of your trip, including visas, transportation, accommodation, and activities.

2. Book a Tour:
Select a tour package that suits your interests and schedule. Most tours start from Beijing, China. Book your tour well in advance, as availability can be limited due to the strict regulations and limited number of tourists allowed.

3. Obtain a Visa:
The tour operator will assist you in obtaining a visa for North Korea. This usually involves submitting your passport and necessary documents to the North Korean embassy in Beijing. The visa is typically issued as part of a group visa for your tour.

4. Travel to Beijing:
You will need to make your way to Beijing, China, which serves as the gateway for most travelers entering North Korea. Plan your travel to arrive in Beijing a day or more before your tour begins.

5. Pre-Tour Briefing:
Before your departure to North Korea, you’ll attend a pre-tour briefing organized by your tour operator. During this briefing, you’ll receive information about the trip, guidelines, and expectations.

6. Departure to North Korea:
On the designated day, your tour group will depart from Beijing to North Korea. Flights are usually chartered, and you’ll be accompanied by guides from the tour operator throughout your journey.

7. Entry into North Korea:
Upon arrival in North Korea, your tour guides will meet you at the airport. They will accompany you throughout your stay, ensuring you adhere to local regulations and guidelines.

8. Guided Tours and Activities:
Your itinerary will include visits to government-approved sites and attractions. Your tour guides will lead you through these activities, and you’ll have limited independent movement.

9. Departure from North Korea:
At the end of your tour, you’ll depart from North Korea and return to Beijing. Your tour guides will assist you with the departure process.

Important Considerations:

  • Traveling to North Korea requires careful planning and adherence to local rules and regulations.
  • Independent travel is not allowed, and you must stay with your tour group at all times.
  • Photography is often restricted, so always ask for permission before taking photos.
  • Internet access and communication with the outside world might be limited during your stay.

Due to the unique nature of travel to North Korea, it’s crucial to choose a reputable tour operator, closely follow their instructions, and approach your journey with respect for local customs and regulations.

How to Get Around North Korea:

Getting around North Korea is primarily organized by the approved tour operators who arrange guided tours for foreign visitors. Here’s how transportation works within the country:

1. Guided Tours:
All travel within North Korea for foreign tourists is organized and managed by the tour operator. This includes transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities. You’ll have a designated tour guide or guides who accompany your group throughout your trip.

2. Group Transportation:
Tour operators provide transportation for the tour group, which can include buses or vans, depending on the size of the group. These vehicles are typically used for traveling between cities and sites on the itinerary.

3. Domestic Flights:
For longer distances, domestic flights might be included in your tour package. These flights are usually chartered and are part of the guided tour.

4. Subway and Public Transport:
In Pyongyang, the capital city, there’s a subway system that you might get a chance to experience during guided tours. However, independent use of public transport is not allowed for tourists.

5. Restricted Movement:
It’s important to note that movement within North Korea is restricted. Tourists are not allowed to venture outside of the designated areas, and independent travel or exploration is not permitted. Your movements will be closely supervised by your tour guides.

6. Photography Restrictions:
Photography is often restricted, especially around military or sensitive areas. Always ask for permission before taking photos, and follow your guide’s instructions on where photography is allowed.

7. Guided Activities:
Your tour itinerary will include visits to government-approved sites and attractions. These activities are organized and guided by your tour operator. It’s important to stick to the planned schedule and follow the instructions of your guides.

8. Respect Local Customs and Regulations:
Respect for local customs, rules, and regulations is essential. Your tour guides will provide guidelines on appropriate behavior and conduct during your stay.

9. Communication:
Internet access is limited for tourists, and communication with the outside world might be restricted during your stay. Keep this in mind and plan your communication accordingly.

10. Cultural Sensitivity:
Be aware of the cultural sensitivities in North Korea. Show respect for the government, leaders, and cultural symbols, and avoid discussions on sensitive topics.

Remember that when visiting North Korea, your movement and activities will be tightly controlled by the tour operator and government authorities. It’s important to follow their instructions and adhere to local rules and regulations for a smooth and respectful travel experience.

FAQ – Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea and Traveling to North Korea in General:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Traveling to North Korea

1. Can I travel independently to North Korea?
No, independent travel to North Korea is not allowed. All foreign tourists must travel with an approved tour operator and be part of guided tours.

2. How can I visit North Korea?
To visit North Korea, you must book a guided tour through an approved tour operator. These operators arrange all aspects of your trip, including visas, transportation, accommodation, and activities.

3. What’s the process for obtaining a visa?
Your tour operator will assist you in obtaining a visa for North Korea. This usually involves submitting your passport and necessary documents to the North Korean embassy in Beijing, China.

4. Can I take photos in North Korea?
Photography is restricted in North Korea, especially around military and sensitive areas. Always ask for permission before taking photos, and follow your guide’s instructions on where photography is allowed.

5. Can I communicate with the outside world while in North Korea?
Internet access and communication with the outside world are limited for tourists. It’s best to plan your communication accordingly and be aware that your online activities might be monitored.

6. What are the cultural norms I should be aware of?
Show respect for local customs, rules, and regulations. Avoid discussions on sensitive topics, show respect for the government and leaders, and adhere to the guidelines provided by your tour guides.

7. Can I move around independently in North Korea?
Movement within North Korea is restricted. Tourists are not allowed to venture outside of the designated areas and must stay with their tour group at all times.

8. Are there any health concerns I should be aware of?
Check health advisories and vaccination requirements before your trip. North Korea has strict health regulations and quarantine procedures.

9. Can I exchange money in North Korea?
The local currency is the North Korean Won (KPW), and you can exchange money for personal expenses. However, exchange opportunities might be limited.

10. What are the accommodations like?
Accommodations are usually arranged by the tour operator and can vary in quality. They might range from basic guesthouses to more comfortable hotels.

11. Can I visit the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)?
Yes, guided tours to the DMZ are possible. The tour will be organized by your tour operator and will include specific sites and activities.

12. What can I expect during the guided tours?
Your tour itinerary will include visits to government-approved sites and attractions. Activities will be guided by your tour operator, and your movements will be supervised.

13. Is there a dress code I should follow?
Dress modestly and appropriately, especially when visiting religious or cultural sites. Follow your guide’s advice on appropriate attire.

14. How safe is it to travel to North Korea?
Safety is generally not a major concern for tourists. However, always follow the instructions of your tour guides, adhere to local regulations, and avoid engaging in any behavior that could be considered disrespectful or offensive.

15. Is it possible to visit North Korea from South Korea?
While technically possible, the political situation between North and South Korea makes it highly complex and rare for tourists to travel between the two countries.

Traveling to North Korea is a unique and tightly regulated experience. To ensure a smooth and respectful trip, choose a reputable tour operator, follow their instructions, and approach the journey with an open mind and sensitivity to the cultural and political nuances of the region.

Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Places to Visit in North Korea

1. What are the main attractions to visit in North Korea?
North Korea offers a range of attractions, including Pyongyang’s iconic landmarks like the Juche Tower and Kim Il-sung Square, the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Mount Kumgang’s natural beauty, and the historic city of Kaesong.

2. Can tourists visit the capital city, Pyongyang?
Yes, tourists can visit Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea. It’s a hub of grand monuments, modern architecture, and cultural sites.

3. Are visits to the DMZ possible for tourists?
Yes, guided tours to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) are possible. This area serves as a border between North and South Korea, and tourists can witness the tense history of the region.

4. What natural attractions can tourists explore?
Mount Kumgang, a mountain range renowned for its picturesque landscapes, waterfalls, and serene lakes, is a popular natural attraction in North Korea.

5. Can tourists visit historical sites and monuments?
Yes, tourists can visit historical sites and monuments, including the Arch of Triumph, the Monument to Party Founding, and the International Friendship Exhibition.

6. Is it possible to experience local culture and traditions?
While interactions with locals might be limited, tourists can gain insights into North Korean culture through guided activities, museum visits, and performances.

7. Are there restrictions on photography at tourist sites?
Yes, there are photography restrictions in North Korea, especially in sensitive areas or around military installations. Always ask for permission before taking photos.

8. Can tourists explore religious sites?
Yes, tourists can visit religious sites, such as the Juche Tower, which has ideological significance, and the Pohyon Temple in the Myohyangsan Mountains.

9. How can I learn about the history of North Korea?
Visits to historical sites, museums, and monuments provide insights into North Korean history. However, keep in mind that the information provided might reflect the government’s perspective.

10. Can I interact with locals during my visit?
Interactions with locals are usually controlled and monitored by tour guides. While limited, these interactions can provide a glimpse into daily life.

11. Are there unique cultural experiences for tourists?
Tourists can enjoy cultural performances, visit traditional restaurants, and explore local markets to experience aspects of North Korean culture.

12. Can I explore Pyongyang’s modern architecture?
Yes, Pyongyang boasts modern architecture, including the iconic Ryugyong Hotel and futuristic buildings that showcase the city’s modern development.

13. Are there restrictions on movement during tours?
Yes, movement is restricted during guided tours. Tourists must adhere to the itinerary and stay within designated areas approved by the government.

14. Can tourists visit rural areas or regions outside the capital?
Guided tours generally focus on government-approved sites and cities. Travel to rural areas or regions outside the designated tour sites is usually not allowed.

15. Is there a dress code for visiting tourist sites?
While there might not be a strict dress code, dressing modestly and appropriately, especially when visiting religious or cultural sites, is recommended.

North Korea offers a mix of historical, cultural, and natural attractions, allowing tourists to gain unique insights into the nation’s identity and history. Keep in mind that travel to North Korea is tightly controlled, and visitors must adhere to the rules and regulations set by the government and tour operators.

You want more on Places to Visit in North Korea? ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

What Can $10 Get in NORTH KOREA? (Bizarre Place) – 2017
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Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea – Final Thoughts:

Traveling to North Korea offers an unparalleled adventure, providing insights into a nation that remains largely unexplored by the outside world. It’s essential to approach your journey with an open mind, respect for local customs, and a desire to understand the cultural and historical nuances that shape this captivating land.

While guided tours are required and restrictions apply, the opportunity to step into a world few have experienced is a remarkable and unforgettable endeavor.

Places To Visit In North Korea
Courtesy: ypt

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Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea – By David John

5 Best Places To Visit In North Korea: Cover Image by nbc

Best Places To Visit In North Korea: flickr images licensed under CC BY 2.0

Additional images: adobe  ·  colourbox  ·  istock  ·  pexels  ·  shutterstock  ·  unsplash  unless otherwise stated.

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